How to Pick a Supplement Manufacturer: The Ultimate Guide

I know it can be overwhelming to try to figure out how and where to have your products made for your brand! 

Once you know how to make decisions about manufacturing choices, it can be a lot more simple though.

Just by reading this guide, you will be on your way to making a better decision for the long term benefit of your brand.

It’s NOT as simple as just picking the best price and moving forward.  There are other extremely important considerations.

I know you want the absolute best at the very best price and speed available, but there are a lot of risks involved with picking a manufacturer that we are here to help you with!

“Why Create This Guide?”

It might seem strange that I would be the one to deliver this information to you, but I believe that the rising tide raises all ships and that more success in our industry only creates more opportunities for everyone.  

Even if we aren’t the perfect choice for your brand, I know the industry is a better place with more experienced and savvy brand owners.

The more we support manufacturers that create high quality products, the more successful they will be and the more likely that low quality manufacturers will go out of business, which creates a net benefit for everyone (especially consumers!).

So How Do I Pick A Manufacturer?

I think it’s fair to say that most people understand how to compare prices among manufacturers, but…

are you aware of the other factors that you need to consider for a true comparison?

Price is important, yes, but if you fail to compare the other important factors, you can set yourself up for frustration and your brand for failure.

Then what else should you consider?

  1. Quality: this is a huge concern for picking the right supplier for your brand.  Make sure that you are comparing similar quality manufacturers in terms of the process, testing, and ingredients used.  

For example, your quotes from various manufacturers might not be comparing the same ingredients if you’re not looking very closely.

  1. Lead Time: Also known as Turnaround Time (TAT), this is how long will it take to get your product?  Also be sure to know when the “clock” starts (ex. when labels arrive, from deposit, from material arrival, etc.)
  1. Accessibility: How long does it take for you to get a response during business hours from an email, phone call, etc.?  Having a direct line of communication with a  prompt professional can make a huge difference – especially if there is ever a problem that needs to be addressed.  Be sure to add this into your overall value consideration.  

How Do I Evaluate These Areas?

When you consider price, quality, lead time, and accessibility together you’ll start to notice that there is a “push and pull.” 

Meaning that you might have to pay a little more for high quality made quickly.

On the flip side, that might mean there is an opportunity to pay less if you’re okay with only receiving a response to an email from your supplier once every 2 weeks. 

Ultimately, the right choice for your brand is up to you, but I know that with this in mind, you are better equipped to make the right division for your brand.

Understand which of the 4 areas matter most to you, and try to pick a supplier that can hit 2 out of those 4.

Obviously, what we always want is 4 out of 4, but that push and pull is likely to lead you down a path that requires you to prioritize what your brand’s needs are.

The good news is that when you understand your brand’s needs clearly, the choice can become obvious.

For me personally for example, I always put a premium on accessibility and having a representative that answers my calls and gets back to my emails within 1-2 business days.  I have a track record of being willing to pay more for that even because of how much I value speed of communication.

That might describe you and it might not – there is no “right” answer.  It’s just about finding the right fit.

Once you’ve found the right fit, turn all of your focus into growing your brand!

Talk soon!

Rush Ricketson

CEO, Pure Private Label

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